All About Angels Blog Post Roundup

Mackenzie Worthing

All About Angels Blog Post Roundup

This is rather an angelic time of the year. In her wisdom the Church has seen fit to celebrate the Feast of the Archangels on September 29 and it is shortly followed by the Feast of the Guardian Angels on October 2. The angels are a bit of a mystery as they don’t have bodies as we do though they can appear to have bodies when they communicate with people. There are quite a few previous blogs on the Cora Evans blog about the angels and here they are gathered all in one place so you can learn more about the archangels, the guardian angels, and angels in general! 


Angels: Visible and Invisible

This post expounds upon the 2011 changes to the language of the Mass, particularly the Nicene Creed. The author meditates on the movie “Field of Dreams” and understanding the influence of the angels who are always though mostly unseen. 


Posts on the Archangels 

What Do You Know about the Archangels?

All About Archangels

These two posts delve deeply into what we know about the three archangels: Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel. They look closely at the rich meaning of their names, the biblical texts where they are mentioned, and the traditional understanding of what we know of them outside of the Sacred Scripture. 


The Feast of the Archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael

This post looks more closely at how the feast of the Archangels (which originally only commemorated St. Michael and was known as Michaelmas as each archangel had his own feast day) has been traditionally celebrated. 


Here’s Why You Should Ask the Archangels for their Intercession

This post takes a different approach and in addition to providing information on the archangels focuses on how and why we ought to ask the archangels to pray for us every day.


Posts on the Guardian Angels 

Rejoice on the Feast of the Guardian Angels

This post gives a lot of rich information on what we know from scripture and tradition on the role of our guardian angels and why we ought to rejoice in their accompaniment throughout our lives.


7 Interesting Facts About Our Guardian Angels

This post is brief and concise on what we know about guardian angels and also helps to dispel some misbeliefs people might hold concerning our guardian angels and angels in general. 


Friends for Life: The Influence of the Guardian Angels

This post focuses mainly on what a great gift our guardian angels are and how we can cultivate a greater awareness and appreciation of their role in our lives. 


Happy reading!