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When I Hid from Home: A Meditation on Confession
Josh Florence - Feb 23, 2023
A meditation on hiding from loved ones - family and God - and the power of confession. -
Following Mary in the Fourth Trimester: A Mother’s Meditation
Mackenzie Worthing - Feb 2, 2023
A meditation on lessons learned from Mary during the fourth trimester during the Advent and Christmas season. -
Four Ways to Begin Praying with Your Spouse
Sara and Justin Kraft - Jan 31, 2023
“The family that prays together stays together.” This was the famous slogan popularized by Father Patrick Peyton, but what makes it true? Why is praying together as spouses or a family so important? How do we do it? -
Seeking Silence in a Noisy World
Rachel Forton - Jan 26, 2023
Rachel shares some ideas on seeking silence along with some wisdom from the saints on the power of silence in prayer. -
In a Few Words: The Writing of St. Francis de Sales
Josh Florence - Jan 24, 2023
Words of wisdom from St. Francis de Sales are broken down for reflection in this blog post. -
Liturgical Living in 2023
Daniel Witham - Jan 13, 2023
Ideas and suggestions on how to live liturgically throughout the year. -
Making the Holy Spirit Your Guide in the New Year
Sara and Justin Kraft - Jan 9, 2023
I want to encourage you to let the Holy Spirit be your guide for the new year, for He is the One who will cultivate all these gifts and many more in your life. In this regard I would like to offer 5 practical tips for letting the Spirit be the guide of your spiritual life throughout the upcoming year. -
We Have Come to Adore: Reflections on the Magi from The Advent Story
Mackenzie Worthing - Jan 6, 2023
We know little of the Three Kings or Magi who bring gifts to the Child Jesus. The Advent Story opens up their beautiful journey to find the Christ Child. -
Hannah, Elizabeth, and Mary: Women of Faith
Rachel Forton - Dec 29, 2022
Hannah, Elizabeth, and Mary model for us what can happen when we trust God’s faithfulness and might as recorded in Scripture: “for nothing will be impossible for God” (Luke 1:37). What can happen when we believe these words of the angel Gabriel spoken to Mary? -
Journal Prompts for the Christmas Season
Jeannie Ewing - Dec 22, 2022
Jeannie Ewing provides some scripture verses and journal prompts for the Christmas season, especially for those who are not feeling "in the Christmas spirit" this year. -
Being the Light: Lessons from St. Lucy
Rachel Forton - Dec 15, 2022
Saint Lucy exemplifies the embodiment of “being the light of Christ in the world,” which all Christians are called to do, and most especially as we await the Incarnation. -
Why We Should Add The Mass to the List of What We Are Grateful For
John Kubasak - Nov 23, 2022
For this year’s Thanksgiving, it is a good practice to go to Mass on Thanksgiving Day. Reach throughout history, eternity, and the entire universe to give thanks and praise to God. -
How to Think About Death Without Ruining Your Day
John Kubasak - Nov 2, 2022
Take a healthy view of death, add in confession, and scriptural reasons for confidence, and I hope death takes on a different picture. Follow the Lord, pursue holiness, and gain the divine life of grace from the sacraments.

Download The Ultimate List of U.S. Catholic Shrines Free!
Download our FREE e-Book and go on a virtual tour of the many beautiful shrines in the United States of America. Here’s what you get: • Detailed description of each shrine with map divided by state • Interesting facts, history, and trivia surrounding each shrine • Beautiful images of each sacred location
Browse Our Full Length Titles
Grow Closer to Christ
- 1I Was A Pilgrim In History
- 2An Introduction to the Life and Writings of Cora Evans
- 3The Refugee from Heaven
- 4A Time to Laugh and a Time to Weep
I Was A Pilgrim In History
The book tells of the journey of the Magi from Egypt where they first witnessed a vision of the birth of the child Messiah. The story follows the Magi to their meeting with Herod and finding the Holy Family. It then follows the Holy Family’s flight to Egypt and their return trip to Nazareth. The story explores some new details of Jesus’ childhood and how His identity was kept secret. The story continues to the time of the Crucifixion of Jesus, and it ends with the Blessed Mother completing the first Stations of the Cross.

An Introduction to the Life and Writings of Cora Evans
An Introduction to the Life and Writings of Cora Evans: Wife, Mother, and Mystic is a personal journal written by one of her best friend, Christian Brother, Edward Behan. Behan shares his knowledge of Cora's life and writings, of her thoughts and insights, which unfolded over six years of inspiring friendship. This book sheds much light on Cora and her relationship with our Lord.

The Refugee from Heaven
The Refugee from Heaven recounts the life of Jesus Christ as an eyewitness, beginning with the first meeting between Jesus and Peter, on the shores of Mount Carmel Bay. With vivid detail and dialogue, this unique account breathes new life into well-known figures of the Gospels.

A Time to Laugh and a Time to Weep
NOW AVAILABLE! A Time to Laugh and A Time to Weep is a prayerful journey for healing, forgiveness, charity, kindness, and courage that traverses the highs and lows of motherhood and faith in light of Cora Evans’ writings. Travel alongside Cora Evans and Jeannie Ewing — one a woman of the early twentieth century, another a modern Catholic living in the frenzied, post-modern Information Age — and realize that truth, beauty, and wisdom exist outside of time.
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